
New Year, New You?


My January blog surrounds a New Year and following on from my last blog, those who have decided to take up exercise and perhaps consider running as a beneficial exercise , reducing weight loss, improving cardiovascular fitness and adding adrenaline to improve mental wellbeing. Like myself I look at how I can use my lower limbs to get out there and eagerly sign up for the Couch to 5k, perhaps a park run, 10k or at the top of the pinnacle, that London event. But please consider that taking up a new form of exercise requires careful planning. Consider your diet and the much needed nutrients and hydration plan to fuel your body, the training program which must include a planned map  with thought to lighting the road and undulation preventing sprains and falls, but even more importantly, stretching and strengthening with targeted programs to prevent repetitive loading injuries so commonly assessed within Banbury Private Physiotherapy and Cassia Health, Brackley.

When I reflect back over a years diagnostic Physiotherapy I note that as running has become more popular foot wear design and trends have made an impact on undue stresses around the foot and ankle and there has been an increase in tendinopathy of the Achilles, Plantar fascia( foot pain) and knee injuries  such as Patella tendon, ITB and meniscus inflammation. Putting the wrong tyres on a racing car and not considering the course can cause many issues in a race - same could be reflected with feet.

Seeking the specialist advice from Sarah Westcott MCSP HCPC or Sarah Baimbridge MCSP HCPC can help prevent injury or if you are experiencing pain, allow you to be swiftly diagnosed and receive Physiotherapy or Sports performance therapy to get you back to winning the race. Sarah Westcott and Sarah Baimbridge hold a CV of over 25 years of clinical experience within Physiotherapy and MSK diagnostic Physiotherapy.

Both practices offer Shockwave therapy with a large investment made to Modular shockwave which is focused and enables a quick reduction in tendon inflammation and return to your activity. With the added benefit of a bespoke program and a review of foot biomechanical stresses we really hope that we can help you' keep on track'.

To make an appointment please contact Esther.

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